We Will Allways Honor Our Pastor PATRICIA ANN BOOKER!
We Will Allways Honor Our Pastor PATRICIA ANN BOOKER!
The purpose of this organization is to preach the Gospel to all men; to teach and develop ministry gifts that God establishes in each one of us; to provide a place that people of every race, color or creed could come and worship Jesus Christ as Savior.
Apostolic Faith Deliverance Temple,Inc. was founded by Chief Apostle Craig A. Booker, D.D. and his wife Pastor Patricia A. Booker. The organization was incorporated on October 6, 2016. Chief Apostle and Pastor have been in ministry since October 26, 1997. Chief Apostle enjoys preaching the apostolic succession.
Apostolic Faith Deliverance Temple, Inc. is a non denominational church in the 21st century with a no nonsense anointing.
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